Friday, May 6, 2011

Kitty treat.

Let's be honest, I'm not really the biggest cat fan. When I say really, I mean... not at all.
So you can imagine my thoughts, when I wake up to this little gift on the side of my house. Compliments of our neighbors cat.

Cat -1 Shanks - 0

Seriously...I don't usually get grossed out easily...But for some reason this made me a bit queezy!
Just the thought of Avery finding this treat before me, made me cringe.
So I did what any non-cat lover, protective Mom would do...
I scooped up this filthy treat, with a shovel... Then tossed it in my neighbors backyard...Oops.

Shanks -1 Cat- 1

Good thing I didn't see the cat while I had the shovel... Although, the thought of the owner walking in the backyard in her bare feet made me smile...


  1. Sorry Sam Yam and Ashley F... I know you love cats...

  2. Yes I do but not when they poop in your yard! Gross!

  3. Haha... That's actually a chewed up mouse...
