Friday, May 20, 2011

Best Frienemy's!

Alex and Joe watched Avery while I had a Dr.'s appointment. I'm so lucky to have such great friends and neighbors! I know she has a good time, when she doesn't want to come home with me. Which is almost always when she's playing with Natalie!

Here's Natalie and Avery at the Park.


  1. Yay you are blogging!!! Woot woot. Keep it up! P.s. Avery is cute

  2. oh and that is a sticker in her hair, i promise she asked for it : )

  3. dang cute kids anyways!! so excited to have more blog posts to read!!

  4. can i say thank goodness you are blogging!! it's the only way we can creep into your lives!! and i mean that in a totally non-creepy way.. honestly.. lol
