Thursday, March 29, 2012

Last Dr. Date!

Happy last Dr. Apt for me!!
Well for now anyways...
Today my induction date was scheduled for April 5th/6th...
Kind of excited... kind of nervous!

When Mike picked me up from the hospital there were
these beautiful flowers in the front seat.
So thoughtful!

I almost wish they were fake so they could last forever...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunger Games!!

Hunger Games opening night!!
Duh duh duuuuh....

Neither of us read the books, but after watching the preview and hearing rave reviews we couldn't resist. We were among other groupie couples in our ward for opening night.
Despite the puffy Frankenstein feet I acquired during the movie...
We were not disappointed!!

Best seats in the house!! Check out the snack cart!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rockin' Follow up...

Remember That Rock that I sold on Kijiji?

Well, we went for a Sunday drive and out of curiosity
drove down the street of the
"Ecstatic lady" who had to have this rock.

BOOM. There it is.

Slightly confused. Maybe it's so they can give
better directions to visitors.
"Oh, we are the house with the rock out front..."

Friday, July 22, 2011

Mashup july-aug

The summer is almost over, and it feels like it just barely started!
Here's a quick recap of the end of July to August! What we have been up to lately...
Just to catch up and throw it all into one post.
Why not? Yah, that's what I was thinking!

July 21st 2011

Our BBQ/Fire we had with the Kutarna's and Biebers. It was a blast!
We'll definitely have to do it again soon!

(Sorry for poaching your picture Alex! I just love this pic, nicely done!)

July 22nd 2011

While driving around stalling to see the movie "Friends with benefits" (Basically the same movie as "No strings attached"... shocking. If you've seen one you've seen the other) It was storming out, the power went out earlier and we drove past a HUGE fire that we could see on Memorial Drive. I took a quick picture..... later to find out it was my sisters condo building that was struck by lightning!!! THANK GOODNESS it wasn't close to her unit!

What did we do before Utube?
We must have been pretty bored...

A pic I took a couple weeks later...

July 29th 2011

We drove to Lethbridge and helped my parents unload
all their stuff from a U-Haul to a storage unit.
We arrived before everyone else, so we took in a Matinee and watched Captain America...
It definitely was a good workout, unloading always seems faster than loading!

July 30th 2011

With my parents moving, we inherited a few of my Mom's Daycare toys!!
We set up the Lego house and pool.
Avery and Natalie loved it!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The new addition to our family!

.................A new stroller!!!

It's perfect for jogging, running, rollerblading, walking, biking, going to the mall, park, Calaway Park, etc... Notice I didn't mention the Zoo... Yah, we aren't big fans.
Only regret about the stroller?.... is that we didn't get is sooner!!

Avery was pretty excited, and couldn't get in fast enough!

She stayed inside while Mike finished assembling.

The Kutarna's came over for a visit. Looks like it can fit 2 too!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Projects

Here's 2 projects Mike did this summer!

Okay, let's be serious...if we started documenting all the projects he did and continues to do, that would require his own specific blog for projects!! Maybe that will be MY next project... getting Mike to start a Projects How-To Blog!

The landscaping he did with Joe!

The Pergola he made with Rob!

The good news is when we have our own home,
Mike can pimp it out! Maybe we'll be on MTV Cribs someday...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Trail mix, Sprinkler pix

Another great hot day!! I made trail mix and took some sprinkler pix!

Just a few pix of Avery playing in the sprinkler. Actually, she was a bit scared of the water and needed coaxing to get close! Not sure who had more fun. Me jumping through the sprinkler... or me jumping through the sprinkler...

Trying to catch water in her bucket, without the water touching her!